Welcome to Anglican Memorial Camp
Anglican Memorial Camp in Riding Mountain National Park is here to provide children, youth, families, volunteers and staff from all across Manitoba and Canada with an opportunity to experience personal growth.
AMC is a space of fun and fellowship where you are able to enjoy all of God’s beautiful creation while surrounding yourself with a Christian camping community.

About AMC
The Anglican Memorial Camp is located in Riding Mountain National Park right on the southern shore of Clear Lake. The Camp began operation in 1950 and since then has continued to flourish and help build wonderful memories for many children over the years.
Our organized camps run annually throughout July and are truly special events for all. We provide an opportunity for both youth and adults, to come and learn about themselves and all of God’s wonderful works within the love, respect and fellowship of a Christian community.
1 Corinthians 12:12 ESV / 16
For just as the body is one
and has many members,
and all the members of the body,
though many,
are one body,
so it is with Christ.
AMC Testimonials

Summer Programs
Every July, we have our annual week-long camps, which are loads of fun for everyone.
We run camps for children, youth ages 8-18.

Rental Information
The Anglican Memorial Camp facilities are available for rent by user groups during the months of June, August and September.
Please contact us for more information about having your group come and visit us! We welcome groups both small and large.

Jobs & Volunteering
Staff and Volunteers at AMC are provided room and board for the duration of their stay. As well, members get to experience each of our various camps all while living in beautiful Riding Mountain National Park!
More information is available.
Contact Us
For general inquiries and further information, please contact us.
Cathedral Centre
The Diocese of Brandon
403 13th Street
Brandon, MB, R7A4P9
T: 1-204-727-2380
F: 1-844-725-7533
Summer Camp
T: 1-204-848-2211
The Summer Camp Phone is only available from May to September when we have summer staff working.
Getting Here
Anglican Memorial Camp is located in Riding Mountain National Park, Clear Lake, Manitoba. The following directions are from Brandon, Manitoba.

Follow highway #10 North until you reach Onanole, Manitoba.

On MB 354 turn Left (Woods General Store)

Turn right on highway 263/Reid Road (where the pavement turns to gravel)
Continue past Frith Beach, and watch for posted signs!
50°40’18.9″N 100°02’51.3″W
50.6719167, -100.049772